Seed Library Now Active!

Welcome to the Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library Seed Library and Exchange!

We now have seeds available FOR FREE – NO LIBRARY CARD NEEDED! See our complete list of available seeds below. Seeds are housed behind the circulation desk, just check off what seeds you would like on our selection sheet and staff will get the seeds for you.

We are currently accepting any non-gmo vegetable and fruit varieties as well as some flowers. Please review the DCNR list of invasive species below under “Gardening Resources” before donating any flowers.

Those interested in donating seeds can begin the process by downloading the “Seed Library Donation Sign Up” and “Seed Donation” forms below. 

Please Note: As this is a free, donation-based service, we can never guarantee the quantity, availability, or germination rate of our seeds. All donations are attested to be non-hybrid and non-GMO seed varieties.

Available Seeds 


Basil - Dark OpalCorn - Bear PawLettuce - Yugoslavian Red ButterheadSoybean, Agate
Bean - Bert Dean's BakingCorn - Black AztecOkra - Clemson SpinelessSpinach, America
Bean - BountifulCorn - Golden BantamOkra - Hill Country RedSquash - Austrailian Butter
Bean - Cherokee Trail of TearsCorn - Tom ThumbOkra - Silver QueenSquash - Fordhook Acorn
Bean - Cherokee Trail of TearsCucumber - Boethby's BlondeOnion - Ailsa CraigSquash - Waltham Butternut
Bean - Good Mother StallardCucumber - Japanese ClimbingOnion - Ruby RedSt. John's Wort
Bean - Monte CristoCucumber - Mexican GherkinOnion - Walla WallaSweet Pepper - Jimmy Nardelo's
Bean - Rattlesnake SnapCucumber - Suyo LongOnion - Yellow of ParmaTomato - Brandywine
Bean - Royal Purple PodEggplant - DiamondPak Choi - Shanghai GreenTomato - Cherry Roma
Beets -- Bull's BloodEggplant - Florida High BushParsley, curlyTomato - Martin's Roma
Broccoli - De CiccoEggplant - Pingtung longPea - Champion of EnglandZuccchini - Black Beauty
Broccoli RaabEndive - Pink StarPea - Green Arrow
Brussels Sprouts - Long Island ImprovedFennel - FlorencePea - Sutton's Harbinger
Cabbage - Chinese CeleryGarlic ChivesPea - Tom Thumb
Cabbage - Red KalibosGourd - Chinese MiniaturePepper - King of the North
Carrot - DragonGourd – DinosaurPepper - Martin's Carrot (med)
Carrot - St. ValeryGourd – SpinningPepper- Ausilio Thin Skin Italian
CatnipGreens - Dwarf Blue Curled KaleRadish - Early Scarlet Globe
Cauliflower - RomanescoGreens - Swiss Chard, Fordhook GiantRadish - Plum Purple
Celeriac - MonstorpolgiHuckleberryRadish - Watermelon
Celery - Tall UtahKale - MarrowstemRosemary
Chamomile, GermanLeek - PrizetakerRutabaga
CilantroLettuce - ForellenschlussSalsify
Collard - Old Timey BlueLettuce - Gold RushSoybean - Fiskeby


Melon - Eden's GemWatermelon - Blacktail Mountain
Melon - OkaWatermelon - Moon and Stars
Melon - Sweet Granite
Melon - Tigger


BalsamHollyhock, common
Basketflower, AmericanMilkweed, Butterfly flower
Bishop's FlowerMilkweed, common
Black-eyed SusansMorning Glory - Grandpa Ott's
Blanket FlowersSpider Flowers
ButterflyweedSunflower - Rostov
Coneflower, purpleSunflowers, Mex (Yellow Orange)
Cosmos - Sensation MixSunflowers, Mexican
DrumstickTassel Flower, Scarlet magic
Four O'clocksZinnia - Benary's Giant
Foxglove, commonZinnia, Gift (red)
Hollyhock - Outhouse

The Seed Library Sign Up Form must be completed for each gardener planning to submit seeds. Please be sure to read the Safe Seed Pledge before signing. Seeds submitted without a Signed Safe Seed Pledge   on the Sign Up Form will not be added to the collection. All forms are also available for pick up at the library.

The Seed Donation Forms must be completed for each variety of seed the gardener is submitting. Please include as much information about seeds being donated as possible.  All forms are also available for pick up at the library.

Gardening Resources

This is the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ current List of Invasive Species. Please be sure to review this list before submitting any plants if you are unsure of their origin or status in PA. 

Additional information about Pennsylvania’s wild plants can be found on the DCNR Website.

How to Save Seeds is a handy guide for beginners and experienced gardeners alike on how to properly save your seeds. Although it was originally written for a seed library in New Jersey, the guide is easily adapted to our region.

Planning A Garden is another great resource for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Although it was originally written for New Jersey, the guide is easily adapted to our region. This booklet provides some great tips on how to plan your garden of any size.

This Garden Journal offers a great way to track in detail your garden and seed-saving journey. It contains guided fillable forms, as well as a wealth of links and resources to help track your garden.