The Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library Summer Reading Program
This year’s theme is Oceans of Possibilities
This year’s theme for summer reading is “Ocean of Possibilities.” We’re excited to “dive in” with lots of activities, crafts and prizes to encourage everyone to complete the program.
This year we will be offering several in-person programs, along with weekly take-home activities and prizes. We will kick off with an Aquatic Adventures Story and Craft session with library clerk, Mr. Matt, on June 25, then a mid-program event in partnership with the Cameron County Conservation District (exact date TBD), as well as our famous end-of-program party.
Sign up from May 31 to June 27, 2022
Click below to register now online!
Parents and guardians, along with their children can also come in and register for the Summer Reading Program in person anytime during the library’s regular service hours between May 31 and June 27.

The goal of our Summer Reading Program is to make sure kids continue building critical literacy skills that can take a backseat over summer break. Reading is a vital part of ensuring kids head back to class ready to learn in the fall.
The Summer Reading Program is a great opportunity to make sure kids are continuing to learn and grow, and also having fun and feeling good about their accomplishments.
Reading requirements are simple and every effort is made to adjust to a family’s summer schedule of vacations and other summer events.
Students along with their parents or guardians set their own reading goals as to the number of books they will read each week during the Summer Program.
The reading portion of the Program runs for the 5-week period from Monday June 27, through Saturday, July 30. This year the reading logs must be returned by Friday, August 5. The end-of-program party will be held August 6.
Those participating can visit the library for their reading logs at any time. Encouraging youngsters to read over their summer vacation is the aim of the Summer Program. There is no contest to see who can read the greatest number of books. EVERYONE who completes the Summer Program and fulfills their reading goals will be invited to a special party (along with some great surprises) at the conclusion of the Program.